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Sunday, March 13, 2011

say heLlo 2 my fluffy friend (^_-)

arghhh..i can't st0p myself fr0m writing b0ut M.R  C.A.T!!please friends,bear with me..hehe
yeahh...i'm already in l0ve with dis creature..what t0 do.??
it's simply bec0z dey r cute+ ad0rable+s0 innocent(yea la sgt)......!!!
wo0keyh..jum usha2 dlu gmbar2 nih..
maybe then,u'll understand what makes them..........S.P.E.C.i.A.L..(at least 4 me)

 1st reason:dy suka tid0..mksudnya.??we shared da same hobby..!!heheh
2.dy suka teman study.....tp..kalo omwork x ciap.??salahkn jea dy.............heheh
3.tg0k...gebu cam bntal pel0k..........kn??
4.dy penyejuk mata..........n penyejukkk hati...............hehe

f0r many reas0ns i do love cats so much..believe me..u'll find such a perfect companion in life when u give urself chance 2 kn0w diz wonderful creature......... ;)


  1. kuceng saya da xde...dlm mase xsmpai seminggu 2ekor pgi tinggalkan saya...huhu~ selalu teringat kat 2ekor tuh..skrg plak yg lgi 3ekor cam saket...waaa~ ta sanggup kalau deorang pulak yg akn pg...=((

  2. bwk la pi klinik haiwan ,awk..
    insyaALLAH..km tlg doakn sma ;)
    but i do understand..really understand your feeling..
    i l0se my cat before..
    not only once..but again n again..
    i kn0w da pain very well..
    but be str0ng,my friend..
